Low Self Esteem and Confidence
Self esteem is a core belief we have about ourselves: it represents the degree to which we feel confident, consider ourselves valuable and respect ourselves.
Symptoms of low self esteem include:
- Feeling worthless or bad; you may persistently blame yourself, feel guilt and shame;
- Feeling unloved;
- Being overwhelmed with negative thoughts and fears;
- Being drawn into destructive relationships;
- There may be a pattern of underperformance and avoidance of challenges or you may strive for perfection fuelled by a fear of failure;
- Not giving yourself credit for your achievements;
- You may not feel you deserve leisure time and struggle to enjoy yourself;
- Feeling oversensitive to critiscm or disapproval. You may be eager to please or always put another first;
- Comparing yourselves negatively to others;
- Turn to self sabotage and self destructive behaviours.
Self esteem develops from our relationships and experiences from birth and childhood. Several factors may contribute to low self esteem - for example criticism, abuse, rejection, or bullying. The experience may be more subtle such as missing out on experiences that would build a sense of confidence in a child. The feeling that we are accepted valued and understood helps to build a picture of our own worth.
Counselling can help by:
- Exploring and understanding the underlying causes of low self esteem;
- Addressing negative thought processes, and core beliefs that feed this way of being. - You can reach a place of understanding where you are not bad, it is your early experiences that helped create that belief;
- Identifying activities that boost confidence;
- Developing compassion and kindness towards the self and bringing the inner criticism down to size. Most of us like to think we treat others fairly, we may not realise we are treating ourselves unfairly, with an inner critical picture of self.
Contact me in confidence to discuss how counselling may help you develop your self-esteem and confidence , Jackie Parkes on tel: 0121 454 2209 or mob: 07796 836739 or email: